Top "Ajax-polling" questions

Ajax polling is a technique used for checking for new server-side events.

How to implement a chat room using Jquery/PHP?

I'm looking to implement a chat room using PHP/Javascript (Jquery) with both group chat and private chat features. The …

php javascript jquery ajax ajax-polling
Server-Sent Events vs Polling

Is there a big difference (in terms of performance, browser implementation availability, server load etc) between HTML5 SSEs and straight …

html javascript-events server-side server-sent-events ajax-polling
How to correctly start/stop a PrimeFaces Ajax Poll from javascript

I want a little webapp for testing a connection to a server and returning a status message. After clicking a …

ajax primefaces ajax-polling
jQuery recursive ajax poll using setTimeout to control the poll interval

$(document).ready(function() { (function poll() { setTimeout(function() { $.ajax({ url: "/project1/api/getAllUsers", type: "GET", success: function(data) { console.log("polling"); }, …

ajax jquery ajax-polling