Top "Airflow" questions

Apache Airflow is a workflow management platform to programmatically author, schedule, and monitor workflows as directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) of tasks.

TemplateNotFound error when running simple Airflow BashOperator

I'm trying to write our first Airflow DAG, and I'm getting the following error when I try to list the …

python airflow
Why do I get no such table error when installing Apache Airflow on Mac?

It was so hard to put that right title. Ok, here it goes. I was following this tutorial to install …

python sqlalchemy pip airflow
Is it possible for Airflow scheduler to first finish the previous day's cycle before starting the next?

Right now, nodes in my DAG proceeds to the next day's task before the rest of the nodes of that …

python apache python-3.x scheduler airflow
Passing parameters to Airflow's jobs through UI

Is it possible to pass parameters to Airflow's jobs through UI? AFAIK, 'params' argument in DAG is defined in python …

airflow apache-airflow orchestration
Airflow unpause dag programmatically?

I have a dag that we'll deploy to multiple different airflow instances and in our airflow.cfg we have dags_…

airflow apache-airflow airflow-scheduler
Airflow, mark a task success or skip it before dag run

We have a huge DAG, with many small and fast tasks and a few big and time consuming tasks. We …

python airflow google-cloud-composer
Airflow: Why is there a start_date for operators?

I don't understand why do we need a 'start_date' for the operators(task instances). Shouldn't the one that we …

airflow airflow-scheduler
Airflow too many connections as a default

I opened up airflow and checked the connections, and found out there are too many connections running behind it. Any …

Macros in the Airflow Python operator

Can I use macros with the PythonOperator? I tried following, but I was unable to get the macros rendered: dag = …

jinja2 airflow