Top "Aggregateexception" questions

How to fix "'System.AggregateException' occurred in mscorlib.dll"

I'm receiving an unhandled exception while debugging, and the program stops executing. The debugger doesn't show me the line so …

c# .net exception aggregateexception
HttpClient - dealing with aggregate exceptions

Hi i am using HttpClient similar to this: public static Task<string> AsyncStringRequest(string url, string contentType) { try { …

c# rest exception-handling httpclient aggregateexception
Flattening of AggregateExceptions for Processing

I'm running into a few issues where I call flatten on an AggregateException, but inside there is still ANOTHER AggregateException! …

c# exception task-parallel-library aggregateexception
'System.AggregateException' occurred in mscorlib.dll, when trying to authenicate using Google API

I'm trying to make a little calendar app, just for myself, using Google Calendar API. I'm using C# and .NET …

c# calendar oauth-2.0 google-api-dotnet-client aggregateexception
Unhandled Aggregate Exception

I have followed the tutorial in ( ) and (…

c# exception unhandled-exception aggregateexception
C# InnerException in AggregateException

I have this code as below to capture the exceptions throw from tasks created by using TaskFactory and Task.Run. …

c# aggregateexception