Top "Afjsonrequestoperation" questions

AFJSONRequestOperation is a class for downloading and working with JSON response data.

How to get the response data out of the NSHTTPURLResponse in the callback of AFJSONRequestOperation?

I have a situation where I need to access the raw response data for an AFJSONRequestOperation, from within the callback …

ios afnetworking afjsonrequestoperation nshttpurlresponse
AFNetworking version 2 content-type error

I'm attempting to make an iphone app that will interact with a particular JIRA server. I've got the following code …

ios objective-c afnetworking afnetworking-2 afjsonrequestoperation
Replacement for AFJSONRequestOperation in AFNetworking 2.x

I am making a basic iPhone app with HTML Requests, by following this tutorial. The tutorial has me using AFJSONRequestOperation …

ios objective-c afnetworking afnetworking-2 afjsonrequestoperation