Top "Aec" questions

Acoustic Echo Cancellation, a feature of Adobe Flash.

WebRTC Acoustic Echo cancelation

I'm currently working on webrtc project, and having a problem with audio echo when not using an earphone, or external …

javascript webrtc aec
WebRTC AEC on Android

I'm developing a SIP softphone app for Android, and facing the echo cancellation problem. I've tried to solve it using …

java android c webrtc aec
Speex echo cancellation configuration

I am making an Android-to-Android VoIP (loudspeaker) app using its AudioRecord and AudioTrack class, along with Speex via NDK to …

android voip speex aec
webrtc AEC algorithm

I have made a software that uses WebRTC DSP libraries (AEC, NS, AGC, VAD). Now I need to know what …

webrtc aec