Top "Adonetappender" questions

Log4Net's appender for logging to a database.

Is there a way to programmably flush the buffer in log4net

I'm using log4net with AdoNetAppender. It's seems that the AdoNetAppender has a Flush method. Is there anyway I can …

log4net buffer flush adonetappender
Default values for AdoNetAppender parameter

I am using log4net with AdoNetAppender. It logs all log info into a table. This table actually has 2 Integer …

log4net adonetappender
AdoNetAppender in log4net not logging or throwing exception

I have defined a logger in my log4net.config file that is supposed to use the AdoNetAppender to log …

log4net adonetappender
Log4Net not work with my customs properties

in this time I try to log into a DB whit L4N, this is the struct of the table: […

c# logging log4net adonetappender
Records delayed in log4net AdoNetAppender?

I have an AdoNetAppender setup like this: <log4net> <appender name="AdoNetAppender_SqlServer" type="log4net.Appender.…

c# log4net adonetappender
AdoNetAppender stops working after changes are made

I'm using log4net and I configured my XML file to log into database with AdoNetAppender and everything seems to …

c# .net log4net adonetappender