Top "" questions


Performance analyze ADO.NET and Entity Framework

Which one gives better performance? ADO.NET or Entity Framework. These are the two method I want to analyze. ADO.…

c# performance entity-framework
What is the maximum and minimum size of connection pool ADO.Net Supports in the connection string?

What is the maximum and minimum size of connection pool ADO.Net Supports in the connection string.Min Pool Size=[… connection-string connection-pooling pool
Update DataSet structure in Visual Studio to match new SQL Database Structure

After making some changes to my SQL database structure (using scripts in SQL Server Management Studio), how can I update …

c# sql visual-studio dataset
Execute multiple SQL commands in one round trip

I am building an application and I want to batch multiple queries into a single round-trip to the database. For …

c# .net sql-server data-access
ExecuteReader() in Powershell script

I'm trying to read data from a SQL table in a powershell script. I can see the data in reader …

sql powershell executereader
C# connect to database and list the databases

Possible Duplicate: SQL Server query to find all current database names I am trying to figure out how to list …

c# sql database sqlconnection
How do I fill a DataTable using DataReader

I want to fill DataTable using DataReader. I have created object like this SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if(dr.HasRows) { } sqldatareader
ADO.NET DataRow - check for column existence

How do I check for the existence of a column in a datarow? I'm building datatables to organize some data …

datatable datarow
What is difference in adodb and oledb?

What is the difference between adodb and oledb? What is the relation between these two? Where does stands … oledb adodb