Top "Addeventlistener" questions

a DOM event method that adds an event listener to a given DOM node

addEventListener firing multiple times for the same handle when passing in arguments with anonymous function

For some reason, the event listener is firing twice for each element when passing arguments into an anonymous function. I.…

javascript events javascript-events anonymous-function addeventlistener
Simple event listener not working - JS

I have written an increbily simple event listener and yet it comes up with the error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call …

javascript html dom addeventlistener
addEventListener Two Functions

How can I make it so that addEventListener() has two functions inside it? I have tried finding my own solution, …

javascript function addeventlistener
addEventListener calls the function without me even asking it to

So we have a page: <span id='container'> <a href='#' id='first'>First Link&…

javascript addeventlistener
addEventListener not working with onbeforeunload

window.addEventListener("onbeforeunload",function() {return "are you sure?"}); ^ This does not seem to work... at all... the page will simply …

javascript events google-chrome addeventlistener onbeforeunload
Removing an anonymous event listener

Is there anyway to remove an event listener added like this: element.addEventListener(event, function(){/* do work here */}, false); Without …

javascript greasemonkey addeventlistener userscripts
addEventListener on a querySelectorAll() with classList

I am trying to add an event listener but no result came. I know JavaScript has a hoisting feature but …

javascript addeventlistener
AS3 - Can I detect change of value of a variable using addEventListener?

Is it possible to use EventListener to Listen to a variable and detect when the value of that variable changes? …

actionscript-3 addeventlistener
addEventListener mousemove on document ready

Newbie-question I suppose. The following code is part of a function that I call on document ready. It is intended …

addeventlistener mousemove document-ready
how to intercept innerHTML changes in javascript?

I need to intercept any changes in the content of a cell inside my webpage. The following code shows me …

javascript addeventlistener interception