Top "Addeventlistener" questions

a DOM event method that adds an event listener to a given DOM node

Why doesn't document.addEventListener('load', function) work in a greasemonkey script?

It doesn't give an error, and I put a console.log('loaded userscript wifi-autologin'), the console.log works, but the …

javascript greasemonkey addeventlistener
MSIE and addEventListener Problem in Javascript?

document.getElementById('container').addEventListener('copy',beforecopy,false ); In Chrome / Safari, the above will run the "beforecopy" function when the content …

javascript internet-explorer addeventlistener
Javascript: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'addEventListener' of null

I'm trying to do something fairly simple, but for the reason of me probably not being good enough to search …

javascript addeventlistener
How to bind event listener for rendered elements in Angular 2?

How can I bind an event listener in rendered elements in Angular 2? I am using Dragula drag and drop library. …

angular addeventlistener event-binding
Adding click event handler to iframe

I want to handle click event on an iframe with a handler that gets the iframe’s id as parameter. …

javascript iframe onclick addeventlistener
addEventListener not working in IE8

I have created a checkbox dynamically. I have used addEventListener to call a function on click of the checkbox, which …

javascript internet-explorer-8 addeventlistener
addEventListener in Internet Explorer

What is the equivalent to the Element Object in Internet Explorer 9? if (!Element.prototype.addEventListener) { Element.prototype.addEventListener = function() { .. } } How …

javascript internet-explorer internet-explorer-9 addeventlistener
Custom event listener on Android app

I need to set up a simple event listener to refresh a ListView once in a while. The problem is …

android events event-handling listener addeventlistener
Correct usage of addEventListener() / attachEvent()?

I'm wondering how to use addEventListener respectively attachEvent correctly? window.onload = function (myFunc1) { /* do something */ } function myFunc2() { /* do something */ } if (…

javascript addeventlistener attachevent
Javascript removeEventListener not working

I have the following code to add eventListener area.addEventListener('click',function(event) { app.addSpot(event.clientX,event.clientY); app.…

javascript events addeventlistener