Is it possible to have an array with size that is determined at runtime like so,
Procedure prog is
type myArray is array(Integer range <>) of Float;
arraySize : Integer := 0;
theArray : myArray(0..arraySize);
-- Get Array size from user.
put_line("How big would you like the array?");
For I in 0..arraySize Loop
theArray(I) := 1.2 * I;
End Loop;
End prog;
Is there a way to achieve this result other than using dynamically Linked Lists or another similar structure? Or is there a simple built in data structure that would be simpler than using dynamically linked lists?
Sure, declare it in a block as follows:
procedure prog is
arraySize : Integer := 0;
type myArray is array(Integer range <>) of Float;
-- Get Array size from user.
put_line("How big would you like the array?");
theArray : myArray(0..arraySize);
for I in 0..arraySize Loop
theArray(I) := 1.2 * I;
end Loop;
end prog;
or pass the arraySize as an argument into a subprogram and declare and operate on it in that subprogram:
procedure Process_Array (arraySize : Integer) is
theArray : myArray(0..arraySize);
for I in arraySize'Range Loop
theArray(I) := 1.2 * I;
end Loop;
This is just illustrative (and not compiled :-), as you need to deal with things like an invalid array size and such.