Top "Activitynotfoundexception" questions

This is a Java exception in the Android API that is thrown when a call to startActivity(Intent) or one of its variants fails because an Activity can not be found to execute the given Intent.

intent.resolveActivity returns null in API 30

Looking at intent.resolveActivity != null but launching the intent throws an ActivityNotFound exception I wrote opening a browser or an …

android android-intent android-manifest android-11 activitynotfoundexception
ActivityNotFoundException when calling Intent.ACTION_CALL

I get ActivityNotFoundException when perform Intent.ACTION_CALL operation. I found many links but all of it couldn't solve my …

java android activitynotfoundexception
Android 10 - No Activity found to handle Intent

My 3rd party app has a way for the end-user to download an updated APK from our server and then …

android activitynotfoundexception
Unable to find explicit activity class

I just began android development, and I'm stuck on this issue. When the application runs, I'm greeted with the following: …

java android activitynotfoundexception
android.content.ActivityNotFoundException, unable to start activity

I have a problem with the Manifest of my Application. Clicking on a button on Main activity I want to …

android android-activity android-manifest activitynotfoundexception