Top "Activiti" questions

Activiti is a workflow and Business Process Management (BPM) engine.

Lightweight workflow engine for Java

Is it better to write a new workflow engine or to use an existing BPM engine: jBPM 5, Activiti 5? My application …

java workflow jbpm activiti
Access to XMLHttpRequest at '...' from origin 'http://localhost' has been blocked by CORS policy

I'm trying to demo an api call with javascript to get Json result. Here is what I did: <!DOCTYPE …

javascript api tomcat cors activiti
bonitasoft bpm vs jBPM vs Activiti

I am evaluating BPM offerings to be used within our application. I wanted to find out the differences between Bonitasoft / …

jbpm activiti business-process-management
Looking for Activiti Alfresco Workflow tutorial step by step

Where i can find simple tutorial for Activiti Alfresco Workflow (especially with Custom Workflow) ? I'm new with Alfresco Activiti Worfklow. …

workflow alfresco activiti
BPMN Engine for NodeJS similar to Activiti or jBPM

I am looking for a standard BPMN compliant Business Process Management(BPM) Engine in the Javascript or NodeJS world comparable …

javascript node.js sails.js activiti bpmn
How can I access a spring bean in Activiti JavaDelegate?

I'm trying to get a simple Spring example to work with Activiti 5.5, and having some trouble. I'm using the process …

spring workflow javabeans activiti
Is jBPM dying? What is the future of jBPM and Activiti BPMN?

I have heard that the developers of "jBPM" have transferred to "Activiti BPMN 2" in recent times (ex: Tom). I am …

jbpm activiti bpmn camunda flowable
How do I pass a list of candidate users to an activiti workflow task in alfresco?

I would like to be able to pass a list of users as candidates for a task. The users are …

workflow alfresco activiti
Add new workflow into Alfresco share

I'm new to Alfresco/Activiti. Our company is using Skelta BPM.NET (in integration with our self developed RMS) and …

workflow alfresco bpmn activiti
Process Engines for BPMN 2.0

I'm doing a comparison among all existing BPMN 2.0 Process Engines e.g. Activiti, jBPM etc. I've prepared a list of 4 …

workflow jbpm business-process-management bpmn activiti