Top "Activexobject" questions

ActiveXObject is the key/initial function to enable and reference an "Automation object" in a Microsoft programming environment or the Internet Explorer browser.

Use JavaScript to write to text file?

I have a need to capture the topics of a search from one of my blog pages and write it …

javascript activex activexobject
Open Word from javascript and bring to front

I'm using the following code to open a Word document from javascript: function openWord(file) { try { var objword = new ActiveXObject("…

javascript ms-word activexobject
Uncheck all checkboxes across entire workbook via CommandButton

I would like to have a code that unchecks all checkboxes named "CheckBox1" for all sheets across the workbook. My …

excel checkbox activexobject vba
Ajax call: What is the difference between new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP") and new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")?

I hope both the object invocations are referring to the ActiveXObject. But why are we passing two different parameters to …

ajax activexobject
Allowing ActiveXObject for a trusted site

I've had an idea that would greatly improve the intranet homepage at an organisation, but this idea needs activexobject. During …

internet-explorer activex prompt activexobject
Can I compile VBA on workbook open?

I am trying to find a way of compiling the code in VBA on workbook open. I can do this …

excel vba activexobject
How to launch an application using javascript?

I want to launch an application eg. notepad or MSword on click of a button using javascript function. I have …

javascript activexobject
Use ActiveX in C#

I have a javascript code like this: o = new ActiveXObject("ASDFsome.Application"); utilites = WScript.CreateObject("ASDF.Utilites.UTF.Converter") utilites.…

c# activexobject
javascript XMLHttpRequest open php file and execute more javascript

I have a main page, call it Main.php. On this page, is a button that when clicked, sets a …

php javascript ajax httprequest activexobject
ShellExecute permission denied in windows

Can someone tell me why permission is denied to run a shell command in windows and how to resolve? function …

javascript windows-shell activexobject