Top "Activedirectorymembership" questions

Query From LDAP for User Groups

How To Get User group of user from LDAP active directory in C# .NET for ASP. In my Scenario I …

c# active-directory ldap activedirectorymembership
Check whether current user is a member of an active directory group

I need to check whether current user is a member of an active directory group. I started with getting the …

c# active-directory activedirectorymembership active-directory-group
PrincipalContext.ValidateCredentials always returns FALSE

I have an MVC application that needs to login and verify a user against Active Directory. I am using the …

c# active-directory activedirectorymembership
PrincipalContext not connecting

I am attempting to use PrincipalContext for a webservice that I am developing. I have already been using forms authentication …

c# asmx activedirectorymembership
Query Active Directory from ASP.NET and bind result to List View

I managed to do ASP.NET authentication work wih AD. Now, I want to query an OU in AD and …

c# active-directory activedirectorymembership
Can LDAP_MATCHING_RULE_IN_CHAIN return 'subtree search results' with attributes (specifically "memberOf")?

I have an active directory (AD) test instance with nested groups: Employees (Parent) with two subgroups: Executives and Engineers. Tree: …

active-directory activedirectorymembership active-directory-group
ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider "The specified domain or server could not be contacted."

I have an application that is using ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider to grant access to users. The application is hosted on a non-domain … ldap activedirectorymembership