Hi i'm trying to create a button in actionscript 3 that will be made by a custom image ( a car.jpg from my HDD ). Is it possible to do that with SimpleButton class ( i mean is there a way to load the image and attach it to the button ?) or is there another way? If i would like to have animation also in the button when let's say i roll over the mouse pointer from the button what do i have to do?
ps: i would like to use only actionscript 3 ( i mean all the project is done as a .as file that is linked to Document class ).
Although George Profenza already pointed the best solution under the comment if feel curious how you could implement the SimpleButton class you might want to take a look into th as3 document reference examples:
adobe livedocs - SimpleButton Example
I have also wrote a simple example that only makes a "simple button" in a "complicated button" but makes use of SimpleButton class, so you can take a look how you can extend the class, and give to each state it's own graphic. Here is the code:
// this goes in your app
var button:MySimpleButton = new MySimpleButton();
import flash.display.DisplayObject;
import flash.display.SimpleButton;
import flash.display.Sprite;
public class MySimpleButton extends SimpleButton
private var upAlpha : Number = 1;
private var overAlpha : Number = 0.5;
public function MySimpleButton(upState : DisplayObject = null, overState : DisplayObject = null, downState : DisplayObject = null, hitTestState : DisplayObject = null)
upState = new ButtonImgDisplayState( upAlpha);
overState = new ButtonImgDisplayState( overAlpha);
downState = new ButtonImgDisplayState( upAlpha);
hitTestState = new ButtonImgDisplayState( upAlpha);
super(upState, overState, downState, hitTestState);
import flash.display.Loader;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.net.URLRequest;
public class ButtonImgDisplayState extends Sprite
public function ButtonImgDisplayState(_alpha:Number)
var my_loader : Loader = new Loader();
my_loader.load(new URLRequest("car.jpg"));
this.alpha = _alpha;
The thing about the SimpleButton is to spare you to set listeners, but you are obligated to go around the states that are separated DisplayObjects making you button a more rigid thing when dealing with transitions between states.
Hope you find this useful.