Top "Accessibility" questions

Accessibility seeks to make an application or website usable by everyone, including people with disabilities such as visual, auditory, ambulatory, or cognitive impairment.

Use of <br /> and accessibility

From this question/answer: Pausing in a screen reader for accessibility it seems that one shouldn't use <br /> …

html accessibility line-breaks xhtml-1.0-strict
Private Member Access Java

Is the private member access at the class level or at the object level. If it is at the object …

java accessibility private-members
Android accessibility in edit text with hint

I have edittext for entering first name when creating account and its hint is "Jane"(as first name). I also …

android android-edittext accessibility hint
VoiceOver parent and child views as accessibility elements

I have a simple UIView hierarchy. There is a parent view A which contains view B and C. If I …

ios uiview accessibility voiceover uiaccessibility
WAI-ARIA Roles for Carousels (a.k.a. sliders, slideshows, galleries)

What WAI-ARIA roles should be used for carousels, like the one below? Notes: I'm familiar with the slider role, but …

javascript html accessibility wai-aria
AutomationProperties.Name VS x:Name

There is no difference for the "CodedUI test builder" between the AutomationProperties.Name and x:Name. But the first one …

.net wpf silverlight accessibility ui-automation
Android accessibility service

I'm trying to write a very basic android accessibility service that shows a message and vibrates when any notification is …

android notifications accessibility android-a11y
Is the title attribute for links required for 508 compliance?

Is the title attribute for links required for 508 compliance or does the text in the link suffice? Thanks!

html accessibility section508
SPAN tag ignored by JAWS screen Reader

So I was able to get my page working just fine with the NDVA screen reader, however, when testing in …

html accessibility jaws-screen-reader
How to make a UL list of buttons accessible?

In my code I have a list of buttons stored in an unordered list. If you enable a screen reader …

html accessibility web-accessibility