Top "68000" questions

The 68000 is a 16/32 bit CISC CPU, originally designed by Motorola, Inc.

Programming Environment for a Motorola 68000 in Linux

Greetings all, I am taking a Structure and Application of Microcomputers course this semester and we're programming with the Motorola 68000 …

linux assembly 68000
Basic for-loop in 68k assembly?

I'm attempting to write a program which requires the use of a for-loop, among other things. I am having a …

assembly for-loop 68000
Difference between LEA and MOVE.L?

Are there any differences between LEA $1000,A0 and MOVE #$1000,A0 to put an address in the address registry?

assembly 68000
Why isn't # needed before numbers with DC.W (Define Constant), only instructions?

I have this line of code: X DC.W 5 This means basically X = 5 But shouldn't be X DC.W #5 ? When …

assembly motorola 68000 immediate-operand