Top "32feet" questions


Pair bluetooth devices to a computer with 32feet .NET Bluetooth library

If you want to know how to use 32feet.NET library to communicate with bluetooth devices, read the solution I …

c# bluetooth 32feet .net-gadgeteer
Get Data from Bluetooth device in C#

I'm trying to get data from a medical BT device that I already have pairing code and communication protocol. Looking …

c# bluetooth networkstream 32feet
How to programmatically pair a bluetooth device

I recently bought a Lilypad Simblee BLE Board and I'd like to pair it programmatically to my computer (using the 32…

c# bluetooth windows-10 bluetooth-lowenergy 32feet
Bluetooth library in C#

I recently downloaded 32Feet.NET library to work with Bluetooth Radio Device in C#. When i tried to run a …

c# bluetooth 32feet
Reading raw data via Bluetooth

I have a digital Human Interface Device that I'm trying to connect to using so I can read …

c# .net bluetooth 32feet
Setting up 32feet library

I'm trying to get started with this library: 32feet I have a Broadcomm Bluetooth Stack and haven't been able to …

c# .net exception-handling bluetooth 32feet