Can you explain what is the difference between HashSet<T>
and List<T>
in .NET?
Maybe you can explain with an example in what cases HashSet<T>
should be preferred against List<T>
Unlike a List<> ...
A HashSet is a List with no duplicate members.
Because a HashSet is constrained to contain only unique entries, the internal structure is optimised for searching (compared with a list) - it is considerably faster
Adding to a HashSet returns a boolean - false if addition fails due to already existing in Set
Can perform mathematical set operations against a Set: Union/Intersection/IsSubsetOf etc.
HashSet doesn't implement IList only ICollection
You cannot use indices with a HashSet, only enumerators.
The main reason to use a HashSet would be if you are interested in performing Set operations.
Given 2 sets: hashSet1 and hashSet2
//returns a list of distinct items in both sets
HashSet set3 = set1.Union( set2 );
flies in comparison with an equivalent operation using LINQ. It's also neater to write!