How to get started with Castle-Windsor?

Ramesh Karna picture Ramesh Karna · Feb 2, 2013 · Viewed 14.7k times · Source

I am completely new with IoC/windsor. I started with Google to learn it, but unfortunately, I haven't got proper documentation which could be easier for me to understand. so I came here with such this title/questions.

Every document/pages(web), Starting something similar like this

"We should start from registering the class/interface then resolve it ... "

but none of the page shows complete documentation on how to achieve that, I tried to make a simple project too, but I failed to run it. I don't know how to resolve container , where/how to call for install(), I am totally messed up.

Could anyone help me with a sample project which includes a complete demonstration of registration/installation?

Thanks in advance :)


Sebastian K picture Sebastian K · Feb 2, 2013

Also Mark Seemann's Dependency Injection in .NET book is a good place to start. Well written and has a chapter on Castle Windsor specifically.

They also have some good tutorials on code project, I used before:


Well, the most simplistic tutorial would be as follows:

1) In VS2010 create new console application

2) Right click on "References", select "Manage NuGet Packages", install Castle.Windsor

3) Use code below for Program.cs:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Castle.MicroKernel.Registration;
using Castle.Windsor;

namespace ExploringCastleWindsor
    internal class Program
        interface ILogger
            void Log(string message);

        class Logger : ILogger
            public void Log(string message)

        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Registering
            var container = new WindsorContainer();
            // Resolving
            var logger = container.Resolve<ILogger>();
            logger.Log("Hello World!");