Top ".net-standard" questions

The .NET Standard is a formal specification of .NET APIs that are intended to be available on all .NET runtimes.

Could not load file or assembly 'System.Net.Http, Version= .Net Standard

I am building a .Net standard library, which builds fine but on testing, I get this error HResult=-2147024894 Message=…

c# .net class-library .net-standard
Add Reference to dll vs. adding a NuGet package in .NET Standard project

I have a .NET Standard 2.0 project in my solution and I am using the IConfiguration interface. When I write the …

c# .net .net-standard
.NET Core 1.0 equivalent for System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId

What would be (the closest) .NET Core 1.0 equivalent for System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId ? update As @svick clarified System.Threading.…

.net-core .net-standard .net-core-rc2
System.Data.Linq in netstandard20

I have a netstandard20 project that references a .Net 4.6 Project, all compiles and runs except where I call any functionality …

c# .net-standard .net-standard-2.0
Add build number to package version with `dotnet pack` in VSTS Build process

With a .NET Framework library you could specify a version with a wildcard and NUGET pack command would append the …

versioning azure-pipelines .net-standard
Advantages of netcoreapp2.0 vs netstandard2.0 for a library project

I have a preexisting dotnet 4.6.2 solution that comprises of two outer projects (to be ported at the same time) and …

.net .net-core .net-standard