Top ".net-standard" questions

The .NET Standard is a formal specification of .NET APIs that are intended to be available on all .NET runtimes.

Can't use System.Configuration.Configuration manager in a .NET Standard2.0 library on .NET FX4.6

I have an assembly created in NetStandard2.0. It reads AppSettings using System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager. I have installed nuget package of …

c# .net .net-standard .net-standard-2.0
.NET Standard vs .NET Core

I have read about the difference between .NET Standard and .NET Core, but I really don't know what the difference …

.net .net-core .net-standard
How Do You Reference a .NET Standard Library from a .NET Framework 4.5 Console Application in Visual Studio 2017?

I have finally installed Visual Studio 2017.2 and am trying to get my first project working, but am running into some …

c# .net nuget visual-studio-2017 .net-standard
Should I take ILogger, ILogger<T>, ILoggerFactory or ILoggerProvider for a library?

This may be somewhat related to Pass ILogger or ILoggerFactory to constructors in AspNet Core?, however this is specifically about …

c# .net logging .net-core .net-standard
Convert .NET Core 2.0 class libraries to .NET Standard

Is there a way to easily convert a class library targeting .NET Core 2.0 to .NET Standard? If I understand it …

.net-core .net-standard
How can I change a .NET standard library to a .NET framework library?

I'm writing a class library for a simple parser in C#. When I first created it, I used .NET standard 2.0, …

c# .net .net-standard .net-framework-version .net-4.6
netcoreapp2.0 with netstandard2.0

I have a project(x) that targets the NetStandard.Library 2.0 and a console app that targets netcoreapp2.0. <Project Sdk="…

c# .net-core .net-standard
Adding a bindingRedirect to a .Net Standard library

I have a .Net Standard library, and I'm getting an error when trying to use one of the dependant libraries, …

.net dependencies .net-standard assembly-binding-redirect
How do I exclude files/folders from a .NET Core/Standard project?

In .NET Core and .NET Standard projects, if you put files and folders within the project directory, they are automatically …

.net msbuild .net-core visual-studio-2017 .net-standard
Could not load file or assembly 'System.Security.Cryptography.Algorithms, Version =

I'm trying to use System.Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProvider class in my .NET Standard 1.4 library and according to this topic my …

c# .net .net-standard .net-standard-1.4