Top ".net-4.5" questions

Version 4.5 of the Microsoft .NET Framework.

How can you get a .NET 4.5 website to run on IIS6?

I've got an old Windows 2003 server running IIS 6, and I chose .net 4.5 for my latest web app. Problem is I …

iis-6 windows-server-2003 .net-4.5
Entry point was not found exception

I have installed vs2012 (11.0.50727.1), I opened a new MVC4 with .NET 4.5 solution, i create a simple HomeController and as I've … .net-4.5
MSBuild deploy failing after upgrade to .NET 4.5

We recently upgraded our VS 2010 and .NET 4 application to VS 2012 and .NET 4.5. We have a build script to deploy the …

msbuild .net-4.5 msbuild-4.0
awaitable Task based queue

I'm wondering if there exists an implementation/wrapper for ConcurrentQueue, similar to BlockingCollection where taking from the collection does not …

c# asynchronous queue async-await .net-4.5
visual studio 2013 on windows xp

Is it possible to run Visual Studio 2013 on Windows XP? I heard that it is not possible to install .NET …

.net-4.0 windows-xp visual-studio-2013 .net-4.5
What are the differences between using ConfigureAwait(false) and Task.Run?

I understand that it's recommended to use ConfigureAwait(false) for awaits in library code so that subsequent code does not …

c# .net .net-4.5 async-await c#-5.0
OWIN HttpListener not located

When I try to start : WebApp.Start<SrvcHst>(new StartOptions { Port = 9956, ServerFactory = "Microsoft.Owin.Host.HttpListener" }); I get …

c# exception .net-4.5 owin
.NET 4.5 RC Framework CLR - Windows XP compatibility

My question in short is: "Can .NET framework 4.5 be installed on Windows XP machines?" I have the following MSDN link: .…

.net windows-xp .net-4.5
How to make WebSecurity.Login to login using username or email?

WebSecurity.Login in simplemembership take username and password, how to make it to login the user using username or email … .net-4.5 simplemembership
EF5 Starting a Project:Error Running transformation: Please overwrite the replacement token '$edmxInputFile$'

I'm creating a Console Project in VS2012 with .Net4.5. After it I "Add", "New Item" to the project, and choose "…

c# entity-framework-5 .net-4.5