Top ".net-3.5" questions

The 3.5 version of the .NET Framework, which is based on the 2.0 .NET Framework with extra assemblies (including 3.0). Use for questions specifically related to .NET Framework 3.0. For questions on .NET Framework generally, use the .net tag.

best way to clear contents of .NET's StringBuilder

I would like to ask what you think is the best way (lasts less / consumes less resources) to clear the …

c# .net optimization .net-3.5
LINQ - selecting second item in IEnumerable

I have string[] pkgratio= "1:2:6".Split(':'); var items = pkgratio.OrderByDescending(x => x); I want to select the middle …

c# linq .net-3.5 c#-3.0
Create a dictionary on a list with grouping

I have the following object in a list: public class DemoClass { public int GroupKey { get; set; } public string DemoString { get; …

c# .net linq .net-3.5
How do I get the Local Network IP address of a computer programmatically?

I need to get the actual local network IP address of the computer (e.g. from my program using C# …

c# .net .net-3.5 ip-address
Save file from a byte[] in C# NET 3.5

My TCP Client receives a image within a packet.The image is compressed with zlib.The task is to decompress …

c# .net-3.5 compression zlib
The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized

I have a .NET 2.0 website (VB) running in my IIS6 (XP Pro SP2) and a .NET 3.5 (configured as .NET2 under …

web-services http-status-code-401 .net-3.5
How to join int[] to a character separated string in .NET?

I have an array of integers: int[] number = new int[] { 2,3,6,7 }; What is the easiest way of converting these into a …

c# .net .net-3.5
Is there a memory limit for a single .NET process

We are currently thinking of building a cache-system to hold data pulled out of an SQL database and make it …

.net memory .net-3.5 process limit
Turning a SqlCommand with parameters into a DataTable

I'm adapting some code that someone else wrote and need to return a DataTable for time's sake. I have code …

c# .net .net-3.5 datatable sqlcommand
How to stop UpdatePanel from causing whole page postback?

I am using .NET 3.5 and building pages inside of the Community Server 2008 framework. On one of the pages, I am …

c# .net-3.5 updatepanel community-server