Top ".net-3.5" questions

The 3.5 version of the .NET Framework, which is based on the 2.0 .NET Framework with extra assemblies (including 3.0). Use for questions specifically related to .NET Framework 3.0. For questions on .NET Framework generally, use the .net tag.

A method to count occurrences in a list

Is there a simple way to count the number of occurrences of all elements of a list into that same …

c# .net-3.5 list count match
Bind TextBox on Enter-key press

The default databinding on TextBox is TwoWay and it commits the text to the property only when TextBox lost its …

c# wpf xaml .net-3.5 textbox
How to Get a Sublist in C#

I have a List<String> and i need to take a sublist out of this list. Is there …

c# .net list .net-3.5 sublist
Cannot convert string to GUID in C#.NET

Why would the cast (to a System.Guid type) statement be invalid (second line in try block)? For example, suppose …

c# string .net-3.5 casting guid
How do I get all the values of a Dictionary<TKey, TValue> as an IList<TValue>?

I have a the following dictionary: IDictionary<int, IList<MyClass>> myDictionary and I am wanting to …

c# .net-3.5 dictionary ilist
.NET 3.5 - Configuration system failed to initialize exception

In my winform app, I am trying to add a userSetting, although the error is occuring with appSettings too. When …

.net .net-3.5 configuration settings app-config
Updating your edmx to reflect changes made in your db (.net linq-to-entities)

So I have my edmx made. Then I change my database a little bit, changing a column to from being …

linq entity-framework .net-3.5 linq-to-entities
Install Net 3.5 Framework on Windows Server 2012 without DVD

I am trying to enable Net 3.5 Framework on Windows Server 2012. However, all the instructions I find on the Internet say …

.net-3.5 windows-server-2012
Generic method with multiple constraints

I have a generic method which has two generic parameters. I tried to compile the code below but it doesn't …

c# generics .net-3.5
Add parameter to Button click event

I have a wpf button like this: <Button Click="button1_Click" Height="23" Margin="0,0,5,0" Name="button1" Width="75">Initiate</…

c# wpf .net-3.5 button click