Top ".aspxauth" questions

Cookie generated by remote server that identifies the user and allows authentication to the server.

User.IsInRole doesn't work

I have ASP.NET MVC 4 application. I use Simple Membership Provider allowing to tick remember me checkbox under login form. … forms-authentication simplemembership .aspxauth
Trying to connect to ASPX site using CURL?

I am trying to log into this url: The two fields that are …

php curl login .aspxauth
ASP.NET Runtime Errors Occuring in web.config file for .aspx framework 2.0 website

I am receiving this error when I ftp my .aspx web page to a remote server hosted by Network Solutions. …

c# web-config server-error .aspxauth
Web.config and MySQL Issues.

Long and short my machine had issues and I had to rebuild it. I reinstalled all my software and put … mysql visual-studio-2010 .aspxauth
Set / update expiration on aspxauth and asp.net_sessionid cookies

I am wondering if there is a way you can setup your .NET application to set and update the expiration …

c# .net cookies .aspxauth