Top ".a" questions

A static library of object code in UNIX/Linux that can be used by the link editor to create an executable program.

What are .a and .so files?

I'm currently trying to port a C application to AIX and am getting confused. What are .a and .so files …

c unix compilation shared-libraries .a
Linking static libraries to other static libraries

I have a small piece of code that depends on many static libraries (a_1-a_n). I'd like to package …

c++ linker ar .a
How to open a .a file

I've a little problem: I have to open a linker file that has .a extension. I use Dev-C++.

c++ file linker .a
Including header file from static library

I am making a test setup of a C static library and program. The library code, located in a subdirectory …

c gcc static-libraries header-files .a
Import existing c++ library (.a or .so file) ndk android

I just gone through native development in android. I am successful in getting my AndroidStudio 2.2.2 ready for native debelopment I …

android android-ndk java-native-interface .a .so
Create podspec to ship static library

I'm trying to ship a static library via cocoapods. I was given the library without any build directions right now …

ios objective-c static-libraries cocoapods .a