The .zshrc file is the configuration file for zsh.
I am new at zsh. I've installed the plugin zsh-autosuggestions in oh-my-zsh using instruction mentioned here. I am using Linux (…
linux zsh oh-my-zsh zshrc zsh-completionI recently saw the light and changed over to Zsh. I naturally used Oh My Zsh to configure it, as …
rvm zsh zshrcI have just upgraded to OS X El Capitan and subl . command stopped working with the zsh: command not found: …
sublimetext3 alias zshrc osx-elcapitanI am using zsh with oh-my-zsh on Ubuntu:14.04. The shell autocompletes escape character with backslash when I paste a URL. …
zsh zshrc oh-my-zshI use virtualenvwrapper from apt. It's working OK with bash but I recently switched to zsh. Now when I try …
linux virtualenv zsh zshrc oh-my-zsh