Top "Zombie-process" questions

On Unix and Unix-like computer operating systems, a zombie process or defunct process is a process that has completed execution but still has an entry in the process table.

What are Zombies and what causes them? Are there Zombie processes and Zombie objects?

I can find questions about zombies but none that directly addresses what they are and why and how they occur. …

Killing a java zombie process

I am running an experimental java application and every time I kill or stop the application, zombie processes get created. …

linux kill-process zombie-process
How to cleanly kill subprocesses in python

We are using a python process to manage long running python subprocesses. Subprocesses occasionally need to be killed. The kill …

python linux zombie-process defunct
Why zombie processes exist?

Wikipedia says "A child process that terminates but is never waited on by its parent becomes a zombie process." I …

linux unix process fork zombie-process
Proper way of handling threads in kernel?

I've seen bits of scattered information all around, but I can't seem to get to one final answer. How do …

c multithreading linux-kernel zombie-process
How to kill linux defunct process by shell script

In my server machines some process goes to defunct state for every day. it affects my CPU usage. Need to …

linux shell zombie-process
zombie process can't be killed

Is there a way to kill a zombie process? I've tried calling exit to kill the process and even sending …

c linux zombie-process
Can't cleanup a zombie process whose parent is init

I have a zombie process: $ ps aux | grep Zl root 6641 122 0.0 0 0 ? Zl 08:57 371:10 [ovs_dpdk] <defunct> And, its parent looks …

linux kill zombie-process
Docker container refuses to get killed after run command turns into a zombie

first thing first. my system info and versions: $ lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: …

linux docker zombie-process lxc
Python-daemon doesn't kill its kids

When using python-daemon, I'm creating subprocesses likeso: import multiprocessing class Worker(multiprocessing.Process): def __init__(self, queue): self.queue = queue # …

python daemon multiprocessing children zombie-process