Top "Ziparchive" questions

ZipArchive is a PHP extension for manipulating zip compressed archives.

Unzip Files in iOS

I have a .zip folder which contains some images. I want it to unzip into Documents directory in iOS device. …

ios objective-c ziparchive
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'ZipArchive' not found in

I've been struggling with installing zip extension over PHP for a while now. I keep getting an error message while …

php zip ziparchive
Size limit on PHP's zipArchive class?

I'm creating a zip file in PHP for the user to download. I get no errors from PHP or from …

php zip ziparchive
Cannot open zip file in Windows Explorer which generated by PHP Zip Archive

When I trying to open my zip file which is generated by PHP Zip Archive, there is an alert showing "…

php windows zip ziparchive
how to zip stream csv file php

I created an .csv export file with code: header('Content-type: text.csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=filename.csv'); ..... $fp = fopen(…

php csv ziparchive zipstream