Zend Studio and remote host - best practice

Phliplip picture Phliplip · Jun 26, 2010 · Viewed 9k times · Source

Got the following:

  1. Zend Studio
  2. Zend Framework Project
  3. Remote host with FTP and SSH (root access)

Want to:

  1. Save directly to remote host.

Currently i'm working on a localhost *AMP server, manually updating the remote through FTP.

Have tried various ways to acomplish the above - unsuccessfull obviously.

Can some one tell me what to do? Studio 5 (pre-eclipse) was so much better for pure 'FTP programming'.



Mirco picture Mirco · Oct 19, 2011

Currently i'm using remote server support for synchronize my project directly with my i5 server.

It works using ftp or sfpt if you have enabled SSH on your server machine.

It works very well.

  1. Before using remote server support you have to set up a connection to the server: go to window menu > open perspective > other > remote system explorer
  2. set up a connection to your server
  3. Return to php develop perspective
  4. To add the "support to remote server" to an existing project, click on the project with rigth click > properties > Remote Server Support
  5. Flag enable Remote connection properties
  6. Set-up all properties and select upload files "on save"

In this way, ZS work locally on the file's project (index, build files ecc) and upload on the server only the .php and .js files.

It can works very well with svn suppor too, because it DOESEN'T upload (.svn) files to the server but keeps it local.