Top "Zend-form" questions

`Zend\Form` is a class provided by the Zend Framework, an open source PHP 5 object oriented framework.

Zend_Form -> Nicely change setRequired() validate message

Say I create a text element like this: $firstName = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('firstName'); $firstName->setRequired(true); Whats …

php zend-framework zend-form
zend form custom attribute in select option?

I want know how to add custom attribute for option in a select field of Zend form. PHP: $option_values = …

php zend-framework zend-form
Zend Framework: Working with Form elements in array notation

I would like to be able to add a hidden form field using array notation to my form. I can …

zend-framework zend-form zend-form-element
Display Zend_Form_Element_Radio on one line

The radio buttons in Zend Framework are displayed in a column (one option per line). How can I remove the …

php zend-framework zend-form radio-button
Zend Date -- day difference

I have the below line of codes $day1 = new Zend_Date('2010-03-01', 'YYYY-mm-dd'); $day2 = new Zend_Date(…

zend-framework zend-form zend-date
Zend Form: How do I make it bend to my will?

I've read the manual many times, I've scoured the posts offered by Google on the subject, I have even bought …

php zend-framework zend-form
Zend File upload: File exceeds the defined ini size

Inside my form i define this file upload field: $this->setEnctype(Zend_Form::ENCTYPE_MULTIPART); $logo = $this->createElement(…

php file-upload zend-form
How do i remove the label decorator from a submit button

In my form i have this code; // Add the submit button $element = $this->addElement('submit', 'submit', array( 'ignore' => …

zend-framework zend-form
How to verify password field in zend form?

In my form, I'm trying to verify that the user fills in the same value both times (to make sure …

zend-framework zend-form
How to handle multi-select boxes in a zend framework form?

Just wondering how it works and how to handle the information. Let's say I have a form like this: $multi = …

zend-framework zend-form