zabbix error The frontend does not match Zabbix database

john.L picture john.L · Apr 28, 2016 · Viewed 42.9k times · Source

install zabbix at Configure DB connection error The frontend does not match Zabbix database. i use mysql What is the meaning of this?


asaveljevs picture asaveljevs · Apr 28, 2016

This means that the version of the Zabbix database does not match what Zabbix frontend is expecting. For instance, if you are upgrading from Zabbix 2.2 to Zabbix 3.0, then you will get a similar message (together with the current database version and the expected database version) until you upgrade the database (this is done by simply running the new version of Zabbix server).

In this particular case, if you are installing for the first time, then you probably have not imported schema.sql, images.sql, and data.sql files yet. In that case, please consult "Installation from sources" and "Database creation scripts" sections in the online Zabbix documentation.