YUV is a color space typically used as part of a color image pipeline.
There is a lot of information on the internet about the differences between YUV4:4:4 to YUV4:2:2 formats, however, I can …
image-processing yuvI want to read a YUV video with openCV. The YUV video is 1920*1080 and use the YUV422 format (I already …
python python-3.x opencv image-processing yuvI am using opencv to achieve object tracking. I read that YUV image is better option to use than RGB …
c++ opencv image-processing yuvI'm writing media player framework for Apple TV, using OpenGL ES and ffmpeg. Conversion to RGBA is required for rendering …
ios opengl-es-2.0 rgb yuv apple-tvI am currently attempting to draw an image in openGL using YUV420 format (bi-planar). I receive raw data, and am …
ios opengl-es-2.0 yuv