Retrieving individual videos view count - Youtube API V3.0 - JavaScript

Gal Appelbaum picture Gal Appelbaum · Jun 22, 2014 · Viewed 28.2k times · Source

I've been trying to get the view count on videos that I query through the following method:

      function search() {
        var request ={
             part: 'snippet',
             channelId: 'IRRELEVANT',
             order: 'date',
             maxResults: '25'



While the documentation tells me that there's a statistics portion to every video, after the snippet I have __proto__ which I guess means there was an error somewhere? or did the API change? Essentially I need the view count of those 25 most recent videos...

I tried changing part: 'snippet' to part: 'statistics' but got back a code: -32602...

Thanks for the help,


EDIT: Apparently the search.list doesn't have the "statistics" but rather I need to search every video individually... The thing is, when using googles "Try It" feature ( when you ask for the statistics in the "Fields" part at the bottom, it doesn't do anything... So I am VERY confused as to how the heck can I get the view counts & length of all 25 videos (if individually or all at once - preferably-)


Als picture Als · Jun 22, 2014

The link you gave is working for me. To get duration and viewCount: Fill in for part: contentDetails,statistics and for id: a comma-separated-list of video-id's like: TruIq5IxuiU,-VoFbH8jTzE,RPNDXrAvAMg,gmQmYc9-zcg

This will create a request as:
