Top "Youtube-iframe-api" questions

The IFrame player API lets you embed a YouTube video player on your website and control the player using JavaScript.

Blocked a frame with origin "" from accessing a frame with origin "file://"

I have a URL for youtube : <iframe class="embed-responsive-item" ng-src="" allowfullscreen=""&…

cordova iframe youtube youtube-api youtube-iframe-api
Embedding Youtube video using iframe gives "Unsafe JavaScript attempt ... "

I'm trying to embed a YouTube video with this code: <iframe width="425" height="319" frameborder="0" wmode="Opaque"allowfullscreen="" src="http://…

javascript iframe youtube youtube-iframe-api
Youtube iframe src autoplay not working in chrome browser

I have attached this iframe code to my plain html page. here i want to make an auto play when …

html iframe youtube youtube-iframe-api
Youtube iFrame embed stopVideo not a function

I am trying to embed a youtube iframe in a custom light box I have on my site. The embed …

javascript jquery iframe youtube youtube-iframe-api
Use YouTube iframe API with Angular2 and Typescript

How do I construct a YT.Player object and access its properties getCurrentTime() within an Angular2 Component using Typescript? I …

typescript angular webpack youtube-iframe-api
YouTube IFrame API play method doesn't work before touch on some Android tablets

We're developing a YouTube player and are using the IFrame API. Everything works really nice except on our Android 4.2.2 test …

javascript android youtube-api android-4.2-jelly-bean youtube-iframe-api
How to remove pause menu video suggestions / related videos (class: ytp-pause-overlay) from Youtube embed

Youtube is showing a menu with video suggestions while my embedded video is paused. The element in the iframe has …

javascript iframe youtube youtube-api youtube-iframe-api
Hide related videos Youtube Iframe API

I am trying to hide related videos that shows up when you pause a video but as I found out …

javascript youtube-iframe-api
CSS - 100% width of Youtube embed video

HTML: <div class="video"> <iframe src=";…

html css youtube youtube-iframe-api
Embed Youtube with Captions on by default not working

I'm trying to embed a Youtube movie, and would like Captions to be on by default. From…

javascript iframe youtube embed youtube-iframe-api