Top "Youtube-api" questions

The YouTube APIs and Tools enable the integration of YouTube's video content and functionality into a website, application, or device.

How do you mute an embedded Youtube player?

I'm experimenting with the Youtube player but I can't get it to mute by default. function onPlayerReady() { player.playVideo(); // Mute?! …

javascript youtube youtube-api
How can I stop a video with Javascript in Youtube?

Situation: here, where I pressed some video. Problem: I try to stop the video by Javascript in the console of …

javascript youtube-api
How to embed high quality video with new YouTube iframe style code

I am using youtubes new iframe code to embed video but the videos seem to be lower quality than if …

html youtube embed youtube-api
YouTube dropped #t start time support in direct URL and embed videos?

Recently, one could use #t=2m0s or #t=120 to set start time for direct links:…

youtube youtube-api
Retrieve all videos from youtube playlist using youtube v3 API

Im retrieving videos of a playlist using youtube v3 API and getting 50 items without any problem with this link:- …

youtube youtube-api
Is it possible to only remove the "watch later" and "share" buttons from youtube iframe embed player

How can I remove the watch later and share buttons from youtube iframe embed player. Using the following embed code …

javascript html iframe youtube youtube-api
youtube-dl DASH video and audio in highest quality without human intervention

With youtube-dl I first look what video quality is available and then in second step I download highest possible quality (…

shell video youtube youtube-api osx-yosemite
How to embed youtube videos as playlist

I have numerous youtube video clips, and I was wondering if it is possible to embed them on the site …

youtube youtube-api youtube-javascript-api
Youtube iframe api not triggering onYouTubeIframeAPIReady

I've been battling with the youtube iframe api for quite some time now. Somehow the method onYouTubeIframeAPIReady is not always …

javascript jquery iframe youtube youtube-api
How can I retrieve YouTube video details from video URL using PHP?

Using PHP, how can I get video information like title, description, thumbnail from a youtube video URL e.g. http://…

php youtube-api