Top "Yield" questions

yield is (1) a keyword that facilitates creation of generator functions, (2) a Ruby statement to transfer control from one coroutine to another, (3) a Java statement used to yield a value from a switch expression.

How to "yield put" in redux-saga within a callback?

Because "yield"-statement isn't allowed within a callback, how can i use the "put" feature of redux-saga within a callback? …

javascript ecmascript-6 redux yield redux-saga
What is the difference between "yield return 0" and "yield return null" in Coroutine?

I'm new and a bit confused about "yield". But finally I understand how it worked using WaitForSeconds but I can't …

c# unity3d yield coroutine ienumerator
Ruby's yield feature in relation to computer science

I recently discovered Ruby's blocks and yielding features, and I was wondering: where does this fit in terms of computer …

ruby functional-programming yield
Difference between yield [] & yield all() - ES6/redux-saga

Is there any advantage in using redux-saga's yield all([]) over ES6's built-in yield []? To run multiple operations in parallel, …

javascript ecmascript-6 yield redux-saga
Is yield return in C# thread-safe?

I have the following piece of code: private Dictionary<object, object> items = new Dictionary<object, object>; …

c# ienumerable yield yield-return
Understanding nested yield / return in python

I have a function in python whose output is a generator : def main_function(x): r = get_range() for i …

python nested generator yield
Is it possible to use 'yield' to generate 'Iterator' instead of a list in Scala?

Is it possible to use yield as an iterator without evaluation of every value? It is a common task when …

scala yield continue yield-return yield-keyword
Some help understanding "yield"

In my everlasting quest to suck less I'm trying to understand the "yield" statement, but I keep encountering the same …

c# iterator yield
Why wasn't yield added to C++0x?

I have been using yield in many of my Python programs, and it really clears up the code in many …

c++ c++11 yield c++17
Which is generally faster, a yield or an append?

I am currently in a personal learning project where I read in an XML database. I find myself writing functions …

python performance return generator yield