Top "Xslt-1.0" questions

Use this tag for questions specific to XSL Transformations version 1.0 and no other version.

Performing a "Group By" query in XPath XSL

Given the following XML: <results name="queryResults"> <int name="intfield1:[* TO 10]">11</int> <int …

xml xslt xpath xslt-1.0
Aggregate-function for sum and product in XPath

Similar to this question ( I want to use XPath to calculate a sum over products in …

xslt-1.0 xpath-1.0
Sorting with XSLT

UPDATE - New code at the bottom I'm trying to figure out how to use the sort function to pull …

xml xslt sorting xslt-1.0
"img" must be terminated by the matching end-tag

When parsing some an XSL XML file using docx4j, I keep receiving this error: 'The element type "img" must …

xml xslt xslt-1.0 docx4j
How to compare strings with Xpath 1.0?

I am experiiencing an issue with the < operator on strings in Xpath 1.0. This simple Xpath expression 'A' < 'B' (…

php xslt xpath xslt-1.0
Can I select in XPath based on a variable attribute?

I think this isn't possible but would like to have a definitive answer. XML: <agentlang>French</agentlang&…

xslt xpath xslt-1.0 xpath-1.0
What this stands for in xsl? match="@*|node()"

Can anyone explain what this means in xsl? Exactly what does each expression stands for <xsl:template match="@*|node()"&…

xml xslt-1.0
How to get the nearest ancestor or child of an ancestor with xpath

Look at <bookmark/>. The desired output I want is the id with value 5 <xsl:value-of select="//bookmark/…

xslt xpath xslt-1.0
For loops vs. apply-templates

I have recently started using XSLT for some of my XML documents and I have some questions. I add the …

xml xslt xslt-1.0
Dynamically include other XSL files in XSLT

I have a small problem, is there a way to dynamically include another xsl? For example: <xsl:variable name="…

xslt markup xslt-1.0