I have the following simple xml:
Now I want to find the minimum or maximum dateTime node using XPath.
My solution at the moment is:
/root/item[not(number(translate(./d, 'TZ:-', '.')) <= number(translate(following-sibling::item, 'TZ:-', '.')))][not(number(translate(./d, 'TZ:-', '.')) <= number(translate(preceding-sibling::item, 'TZ:-', '.')))][1]/d
It works but is is ugly as hell and not very efficient. Basically it converts the dateTime to a number and then compares them with each other. I adapted this from here.
What is the nicest way to do this?
You could not in XPath 1.0 if you will not know in advance the number of item
because every function wich has a no node-set argument cast its argument taking the first node in node-set, and order comparison operator doesn't work with strings.
In XPath 2.0 you could use: