Top "Xml-serialization" questions

This tag refers to serialization technologies which use XML as a data format.

AvalonDock DockingManager does not load layout

In order to save and load my layout I followed the instructions here, but it didn't work for me. I've …

c# wpf xml-serialization avalondock
ShouldSerialize*() vs *Specified Conditional Serialization Pattern

I am aware of both of the ShouldSerialize* pattern and the *Specified pattern and how they work, but is there …

c# .net serialization xml-serialization xmlserializer
Cannot serialize member <x> because it is an interface

Follow on question from Error with explicit conversion when using CollectAs<> Code from WebMethod return client.Cypher .Match("(…

c# deserialization xml-serialization neo4jclient
customising serialisation of java collections using xstream

I have an object that needs to be serialised as XML, which contains the following field: List<String> …

java collections xml-serialization xstream
Deserializing XML from HttpWebResponse GetResponseStream with different types

I am calling a web service. It accepts Http Post. It is simple XML over Http. You send it an …

.net c#-4.0 xml-serialization httpwebresponse getresponsestream
How to specify the order of XmlAttributes, using XmlSerializer

XmlElement has an "Order" attribute which you can use to specify the precise order of your properties (in relation to …

xml serialization xml-serialization xml-attribute
How to Deserialize xml to an array of objects?

I am tryind to deserialize a xml file into an object[] - the object is a rectangle with the following …

c# xml-serialization deserialization xml-deserialization
Obsolete attribute causes property to be ignored by XmlSerialization

I'm refactoring some objects that are serialized to XML but need to keep a few properties for backwards compatibility, I've …

c# .net-2.0 xml-serialization attributes
XMLWriter vs XMLDictionaryWriter

What's the difference between XMLWriter and XMLDictionaryWriter? In which cases is each one generally used?

.net xml-serialization xmlwriter