How to symbolicate crashes in Xcode 7.3?

niklassaers picture niklassaers · Mar 23, 2016 · Viewed 7.3k times · Source

Can you help me get my crashes symbolicated?

In Xcode 7.3, Window -> Organizer -> Crashes, I have crash reports from my latest TestFlight builds. They were built on this Mac, and all the archives with the corresponding dSYMs are in the Archives tab. The app is divided into a number of frameworks and the main app, and many are a mix of Swift and Objective C. In the crash log I can see the name of the frameworks and app listed correctly, but all the entries for my frameworks and app are in hex. UIKit is symbolicated just fine.

When I look in iTunes Connect, it says "Yes" to "Includes Symbols" and allows me to download the dSYMs. When building, the "Debug Information Format" option was set to "DWARF with dSYM". I tried setting "Strip Debug Symbols During Copy" and "Strip Linked Product" to "No" to see if that made a difference. It didn't.

I cannot find the symbolicatecrash app on my system, not even in /usr/bin or /Applications/, but I have an older Xcode 5 where I could grab it. However, it does not resolve the symbols anymore.

I have the same problem in Instruments, if I profile my app, UIKit is symbolicated just fine, but my frameworks and app only show hex.

I know there have been a lot of posts about this, but I have going through them a lot from the 7.3 beta period and until now and have not found a solution


David Rodrigues picture David Rodrigues · Mar 24, 2016

The location of symbolicatecrash has changed in Xcode 7.3:
