Top "Xcode6-beta6" questions

Xcode 6 beta 6 was a pre-release version of Xcode 6 released on August 18, 2014.

Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1001 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (NSURLErrorDomain error -1001.)"

my program is write for upload the picture from the cam,sample code below: #define WEBSERVICE_URL @"" …

nsurlconnection afnetworking nsurlrequest nsurlsession xcode6-beta6
Trying to use KeychainItemWrapper by Apple "translated" to Swift

Sigh, I have been working on this the whole afternoon... here is my nightmare: I am trying to use the …

swift ios8 keychainitemwrapper xcode6-beta6
Alamofire and Concurrent Operation Queues

I'm using Alamofire (AF) in a concurrent operation queue to run network commands in my project. Sometimes AF's completionHandler doesn't …

ios swift nsoperationqueue xcode6-beta6 alamofire
xcode 6 beta 7:A signed resource has been added modified or deleted.

When I'm running the application on device aftercleaning, removing derived data, first time it runs without any issues. Second time …

xcode xcode6-beta6