I'm just starting to use Xcode 4, and I'm trying to find the file in a project where it stores all of a project's Schemes. I figured they would be stored in a file in the xcodeproj directory somewhere, but for the life of me I can't find which one.
All of my projects are stored on an SVN server, and I'd like to keep Scheme info with the project. Right now when you check out a project fresh, the Schemes don't make it along with.
EDIT: After playing with this a bit more, it appears that Schemes are stored each as separate files in xcuserdata/user.xcuserdata/xschemes/MyScheme.xscheme with a xcschememanagement.plist file to keep them all sorted.
So my new question, is there a way to store these in a per-project scope instead of a per-user scope? This way when another developer opens the same project, he'll see the same schemes I set up?
Finally found the answer on somebody's Twitter. Schemes are stored per user by default, but if you go to Manage Schemes and click the "Shared" checkbox on the far right for each one, they'll show up in the xcshareddata directory instead of your xcuserdata directory, where they'll be seen and used by everyone. Hopefully this will help someone else trying to figure out the same thing!