Top "Xcode4.3" questions

Xcode is Apple's integrated development environment (IDE) for Mac OS X and iOS.

libtool failed with exit code 1 on XCode 4.3

I have XCode 4.3 and I am getting this frustrating xml-lib related error. I have a feeling its because of the …

objective-c xcode xcode4.3
Normal casting vs bridge casting in Objective - C

What is the different between, (CFDataRef) data & (__bridge CFDataRef) data Xcode asked me to change it to bridge. Is …

objective-c ios macos ios4 xcode4.3
Git ignore file for Xcode 4 projects

Which files are better to ignore in git for an Xcode 4(.3.2)? This older question addresses the same issue but I …

ios xcode git ios5 xcode4.3
Application failed codesign verification. The signature was invalid, contains disallowed entitlements

When i try to make an archive for my App, i to it successfully, but with a weird warning: warning: …

ios xcode4.3
How to encode and decode Files as Base64 in Cocoa / Objective-C

I am currently trying to get a small soap client to work, which includes to send a certificate file within …

objective-c cocoa base64 xcode4.3
iPhone app not starting on simulator, no errors

I'm having a problem where my (simple) iOS app builds fine, says running but on the simulator I just get …

iphone xcode xcode4 sigabrt xcode4.3
Xcode 4.3 : missing icons for iOS apps in Organizer's archives

Since upgrading to Xcode 4.3.x, my archives of iOS app in Organizer don't have an icon. (I have icons on …

ios xcode icons xcode4.3 organizer
How can I fix NSInvalidUnarchiveOperationException

* Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidUnarchiveOperationException', reason: '* -[NSKeyedUnarchiver decodeObjectForKey:]: cannot decode object of class (NSLayoutConstraint)' I …

ios xcode exception ios5 xcode4.3
XCode error "invalid operands to binary expression"

I have an NSTimeInterval that is stored as a double. I would like to get the amount of minutes that …

iphone ios5 xcode4.3
How to create an IPA on XCode 4.3.2

Creating IPAs is no problem on 4.3.1 even though Apple changed the UI flow. Just "Save for Enterprise or Ad-Hoc Desployment" …

ios xcode xcode4.3