iOS 5.1 and Xcode 4.3.1 CodeSign Error

user1126886 picture user1126886 · Mar 10, 2012 · Viewed 16.3k times · Source

I just downloaded the iOS 5.1 and the Xcode 4.3.1. But when I'm going to test in my device, the Xcode give me the error:

CodeSign error: code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 5.1'

Any idea how to fix it?


Non Umemoto picture Non Umemoto · Mar 13, 2012

Try assigning your provision code in every fields like the below picture. I had same issue after upgrading to the iOS 5.1 and the Xcode 4.3.1, but it started working fine after I tried this.

assign all provisions like this just once. (or try changing "any SDK" to "iOS5.1" enter image description here

Previously, I was doing like this. enter image description here