In my iOS project, I use one 3rd-party library, which is is incredible spamming into the console output. Can I apply any filtering to debug output.
If the library is using NSLog you can redefine it and discard the log message when it comes from the library. Example code:
#define NSLog(args...) [[Logger singleton] debugWithLevel:kDebug line:__LINE__ funcName:__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ message:args];
// poor man's nslog
@interface Logger : NSObject
typedef enum {
kTrace=0, kDebug=1, kInfo=2, kWarn=3, kError=4, KSilent=5
} LoggerLevel;
// ...
@implementation Logger
+(Logger *)singleton {
static dispatch_once_t pred;
static Logger *shared = nil;
dispatch_once(&pred, ^{
shared = [[Logger alloc] init];
shared.logThreshold = kTrace;
return shared;
-(void) debugWithLevel:(LoggerLevel)level
funcName:(const char *)funcName
message:(NSString *)msg, ... {
va_list ap;
va_start (ap, msg);
msg = [[[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:msg arguments:ap] autorelease];
va_end (ap);
msg = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%s %50s:%3d - %@", levelName[level], funcName, line, msg];
// ... filter by class name ...
fprintf(stdout,"%s\n", [msg UTF8String]);
Note that funcName
contains the classname and method sending the message. If the library is a good citizen and has classes that start with a prefix, discard the output if the className starts with that. Otherwise you have to load a list of classes from that library and check them before the fprintf line.
This of course, doesn't duplicate the log to syslogd like NSLog does, but who cares. :P