I would like to move my Xcode project to a different Team/Developer Account and use the same App/Bundle ID. I have tried to create the App ID in Apple Developer Centre on the new Account however I get an error that the App ID is not available, which is to be expected.
My Xcode project has Automatically manage signing
ticked. I cannot see the Bundle Idenitifier of the project within the list of App IDs within the Developer Centre of the Account that the project is currently associated with. Where are Xcode managed App IDs stored and how do I delete one?
I have definitely managed to do this before Automatically managed signing was introduced, simply by deleting the App ID from the original iOS Developer Account and manually reregistering it on the new account.
Edit: Just to be clear- the App has not been submitted to the App Store, it is still in the Development stage.
The only way I manage to do that is to contact the customer support (Apple Developer Program Support), after few days and few back and forth they finally deleted the bundle id from my Personal Team and I was able to add it to my Developer Program (Agent) profile. I know this is not ideal but at least if you really want to use the same Bundle ID it worked for me.
Remember I accidentally registered my app ID into my non-paid apple account. That's why I had to contact customer support otherwise you can just delete it from developer portal