How to symbolicate crash report from Apple received in .txt format not .crash format

bably picture bably · Nov 8, 2016 · Viewed 10.2k times · Source

My app got rejected from Apple and I have got crash reports in .txt format instead of .crash format.

How can I symbolicate or read the crash report ?


Shakti picture Shakti · Jul 20, 2017

When you get your crash report as a .txt file just follow these steps :

  1. Change the file extension .txt to .crash (eg mycrash.txt to mycrash.crash).

  2. Create a new folder in desktop and copy the mycrash.crash file to the newly created folder.

  3. Copy the .dSYM file:

    • update: download all DSYMs from appstoreconnect activity- they are properly named with their UUIDs
    • Unzip DSYMs, then copy the App and Sybolicate script as defined below:[appID]/activity/ios/builds/[version]/[build]/details
  4. Open the Archives window in Xcode by navigating the menus: xcode -> window -> orgnizer or xcode -> product -> Archive:

    • Select any Archives of your app Right click on it, then select Show in Finder

    • Right-click on appname.xcarchive and select Show Package Contents.

    • Open the dSYMs folder and get the .dSYM file, and paste it too in the newly created folder.

    • Copy the .app file from the same xcarchive to the new folder.

  5. Go to path /Applications/

    • Finder hotkey (⇧ + ⌘ + G) and just paste in the path.
  6. Copy the symbolicatecrash file to the newly created folder.

    The folder should now have:
    • mycrash.crash
    • symbolicatecrash
  7. Open terminal, navigate to your folder path and then run:
    $ export DEVELOPER_DIR="/Applications/"

  8. Then run the symbolicate command on your crash like so:
    $ ./symbolicatecrash mycrash.crash > symbolicated.crash