How to create modal slide-out window in Mac OS?

Vasily picture Vasily · Sep 6, 2015 · Viewed 18k times · Source

How can I create modal slide-out window/view "in-window" in Xcode like in these screenshot?

I've tried create new Window controller with "Authentication panel style" animation but then I'm receiving only Xcode crashes.

modal window


ElmerCat picture ElmerCat · Sep 6, 2015

That kind of modal window is called a Sheet. It's very easy to get this behavior with a Storyboard segue, or programmatically with an NSViewController subclass. The example below is just a blank OS X Cocoa application as created by Xcode. (I chose Swift as the language, but it will work the same way with Objective-C.)

The only things I added to the storyboard was a second View Controller for the sheet view, and a label and pushbutton on each view.

Displaying The Sheet View With A Storyboard Segue

With the Sheet View controller selected and the Connections Inspector tab displayed, connect "Presenting Segues - sheet" to the "Display Sheet" button.

enter image description here

Connect "Received Actions - dismissController:" to the "Close Sheet" button.

enter image description here

That's it! There's no code needed to make this example work; just build and run.

Displaying The Sheet View Programmatically

Note that Xcode creates the default project with two custom class files. In the Storyboard, AppDelegate.swift is represented in the Application scene:

enter image description here

We don't need to use the AppDelegate for this example, but you could use it for interaction with the Main Menu, or other things.

The custom ViewController.swift custom class will be used to present the sheet. It is represented in the View Controller scene:

enter image description here

To instantiate the Sheet View Controller programmatically, it needs a Storyboard ID. Here, we'll give it the ID "SheetViewController". Note that it's still a plain NSViewController; we don't need to make it a custom class for this example, but your application might want to:

enter image description here

Displaying the ViewController.swift file in the assistant editor, Ctrl-drag a connection from the "Display Sheet" button into the custom class. This will create stub code for an @IBAction function we'll name "displaySheet":

enter image description here

In the ViewController.swift file, we'll implement the Sheet View Controller as a lazy var. It will get instantiated only once, the first time it's accessed. That will happen the first time the displaySheet function is called.

//  ViewController.swift

import Cocoa

class ViewController: NSViewController {

    lazy var sheetViewController: NSViewController = {
        return self.storyboard!.instantiateControllerWithIdentifier("SheetViewController")
        as! NSViewController

    @IBAction func displaySheet(sender: AnyObject) {


Swift 4 version:

//  ViewController.swift

import Cocoa

class ViewController: NSViewController {

    lazy var sheetViewController: NSViewController = {
        return self.storyboard!.instantiateController(withIdentifier: NSStoryboard.SceneIdentifier(rawValue: "SheetViewController"))
        as! NSViewController

    @IBAction func displaySheet(sender: AnyObject) {


As in the first example, the "Close Sheet" button is connected to the "dismissController:" action on the Sheet View Controller. Alternatively, you could call that function programmatically from your ViewController class:


For more information, refer to the Apple "Sheets Programming Topics" document: